
Jiawei Zhao

I am a Research Scientist in Meta AI (FAIR Labs). Before joining Meta, I did my Ph.D. in the CMS department at Caltech, advised by Anima Anandkumar.

I am interested in bridging hardware constraints with the principles of learning in neural networks. I focus on developing hardware-efficient learning algorithms that are principled and scalable for large-scale training, such as training large language models (LLMs). Check out my research for more details.

Reach me at jwzhao at meta dot com


May 13, 2024 I gave a talk at MLSys’24 about my recent work on Memory-Efficient LLM Training.
May 02, 2024 GaLore is accepted by ICML 2024 as Oral!
Mar 07, 2024 GaLore is released and try it out :sparkles: